Rules & Regulations

General Rules & Regulations

  • General Rules & Regulations:

  • To be a library member they have must be filled up a library membership application form with two copies of passport & stamp sized photograph attachment with an application fee of TK. 50 plus TK. 1,000 as deposit. The deposit is refundable at the time of graduation provided the student has cleared all his/her dues of the university and has returned the book(s) issued to him/her in good condition.
  • Library membership are valid up to one year, and before it’s expires, a members must be renew his/her library card. If anyone lost library card, he/she must be paid fifty (50) tk as a fine before issuing new library card.
  • Students are not allowed to sit or enter the library without a valid WUB identity card.
  • Students must be kept their bags at the bag’s counter before entering the library.
  • Any kinds of foods and drinks are not permitted in the library.
  • Group discussions are not allowed in the library.
  • Mobile phone should be switched off inside the library.
  • A student must sign in the Register/take assistance from the designated official of the library for online registration at the time of issuing and returning the book(s). The concerned student shall be liable for any incident occurring for not signing on the Issue Register.
  • Books are issued only to students for both outside use and study in the library. For issue of books for outside use, a student must be a member of the library.
  •  Personal books, Exercisekhata, pens, rubber, pencil, calculator, geometrics boxes and loose pages are allowed inside the library
  •  If any student wants to borrow any book(s) for photocopying purpose, the concerned student must take prior permission to this effect from the Librarian /Issuing officer.
  • To issue books for study in the library, students must approach the librarian or the person in charge and fill in the 'entry register'. The books issued for study in the library cannot be taken outside the library. Violation of this rule will result in a penalty up to TK. 1000 for the first time. Subsequent violation will lead to severe punishment.
  • Breach of any of the rules as specified above shall be treated as acts of indiscipline and the authority shall deal with such matters according to the general rules pertaining to discipline.
  •  No book(s) will be issued within the last 30 minutes prior to closing of the library.

    Circulation Policy:

    Borrowing Rules: Current faculty, staff, and properly registered students of WUB may borrow library materials from the WUB Libraries upon registration as library membership. Borrowing privileges will expire when affiliation with the University is dissolved.


    Check-Out Procedures:

  • WUB faculty, staff, and students must present a valid WUB Library card /employee ID card in order to charge materials.
  • All materials should be brought to the Circulation desk to be checked out.
  • Each individual is responsible for all library materials charged to his/her card.
  • Lost ID cards should be reported immediately to Circulation desk in WUB Library

    Loan Periods

    Types of Patron

    Maximum Number of Loan, Books

    Maximum Number of Loan , CD/DVD

    Length of Loan Duration

    Higher Admin (VC, Pro VC, Registrar, Treasurer and  Controller of Examinations

    5 Books


    6 month

    Faculty Members

    5 Books


    30 days

    All Students



    10 Days




    Items may be renewed in person, by ID card and Book Show for Renewals. All items may be renewed for up to one loan periods, provided:

    The item is not on reserve for another patron

    The item is not in high demand


    Overdue Policies

    Patrons are responsible for returning materials on or before the due date. Retention of borrowed materials beyond the date on which library materials are due shall result in a fine. 

    Types of Patron

    Maximum Number of Loan, Books

    Maximum Number of Loan , CD/DVD

    Higher Admin (VC, Pro VC, Registrar, Treasurer and  Controller of Examinations

    00  tk/

    00  tk/

    Faculty Members

    00 tk

    O0 tk

    All Students

    10 tk per day

    20 tk per day


    Remission of overdue charges: If a student has any valid cause to delay for returning materials, he has to proof the evidence i.e. medical certificate for any seriously ill students etc. Student has to apply to the library for remission.


    Lost and Damaged Material:
    Patrons are responsible for all materials while on loan to them, and shall report lost or damaged material at the earliest possible opportunity.
    A borrower who loses or damages library material shall be required to replace the item. If he/she failed to replace then he/she has to pay the double cost of the item.

    Electronic Resource Policy:

  • WUB library collect electronic journals, electronic books or database content to support the instructional, research and service activities of the WUB students, faculty and staff.
  • These resources are subscribed through UGC Digital library.
  • All members of WUB library can get access to online journal and e-books through any WUB  PC within all campuses of World University of Bangladesh
  • Authorized users are responsible for using these electronic resources for individual, noncommercial use only.
  • No one may systematically download, distribute to non authorized users.